How to use PostgreSQL wildcards practically

This is article is not about how to use wildcards in PostgreSql, instead of how to use wildcard usefully! There are lots of good articles about how to use wildcard in PostgreSql. How to query with PostgreSQL wildcards like a Pro This article is talking about some issues while using the wildcard and how to solve that. Actual problem %search-string% this is what I normally use to query the DB while search something....

January 24, 2021 · 2 min · 223 words · M.Kumaran

How to use ActiveMQ in C#

Two versions of ActiveMQ ActiveMQ 5 “Classic” ActiveMQ Artemis Pre-Installation Java Runtime Environment (JRE) is needed Download download ActiveMq from Download link Extract the files into a directory Start Run activemq start command to start the server C:\....\apache-activemq-5.16.0\bin> activemq start ActiveMQ will start a webserver which is displayed on the screen open the below link in browser, you will be asked to enter password, use the below.

January 23, 2021 · 3 min · 633 words · M.Kumaran

My 2020 year in review

Official (work) Travelled to Poland for taking over a product(App) from vendor (Jan 2020). Travelled to SouthAfrica for a product(Software) commissioning (Feb 2020). Worked in VueJs/NodeJs/Java project. Worked in Android/Kotlin mobile app alone and published 3 new features. Participated in a knowledge transfer of a product(Angular/NodeJs) from vendor. Worked in my main project (C#/WPF). Worked in a new project (IoT – Linux Shell, Python). Took Git and Flutter sessions to team....

January 5, 2021 · 1 min · 132 words · M.Kumaran

Ottunar - A mobile app to record expenses/income for truck drivers

I created a mobile app for truck drivers to manage their expenses. It is a simple and light weight. download from play store Tech used I used Flutter and Firebase to create this app. I used firebase ealier but never tried flutter but it’s really nice. Flutter seems more promising in mobile app development. App screens Expenses in category Instead of typing the expense/income everytime user can select from list, and they can create a new category also....

August 11, 2020 · 1 min · 120 words · M.Kumaran

Solve Algebra Linear Equations using Backtracking

I received a picture puzzle in WhatsApp. I will explain here how I solved that using programming. I used Backtracking concept. Received picture puzzle below puzzle is simple algebra concept. If you have paper and pencile then it can be solved easily. But I just wanted to use some programming concept. Algebra notation of the puzzle just fill the empty circle with some letters (a,b,c,d,e) Left to right a - b = 5 c + 1 = d 12 - e = 10 Top to bottom...

April 5, 2020 · 3 min · 528 words · M.Kumaran

How to use Kafka in NodeJs

Create a folder KafkaNodeJs Run npm init command from inside the folder and answer the few question like author, license, etc… once done, package.json file will be created in our folder. create a new file index.js we will use kafkajs library. open command prompt and run npm install kafkajs open index.js file and type below program const { Kafka, PartitionAssigners: { roundRobin } } = require("kafkajs"); const kafka = new Kafka({ clientId: 'my-app', brokers: ["localhost:9092"] }); const consumer = kafka....

December 24, 2019 · 1 min · 127 words · M.Kumaran

How to use Kafka as a load balancer for a topic

This is continuation of my Kafka series. Please read my previous article. Running multiple Kafka consumer with one producer in C# To consume a topic from multiple consumer we need to create that much partition for a topic. for example: If we need 3 consumers to consume a topic as a load balancer then we have to create minimum 3 partition for that topic. Create Admin project to create partition Create a new Admin project, add a button then include below program....

December 23, 2019 · 4 min · 775 words · M.Kumaran

ReactNative getting started

Install Andriod studio click next select custom select theme select below options set Ram for emulator next it will download the components once done, click finish click configure in the above screen and select SDK manager click apply select arm-dbt license and accept select sdk-license again click accept click next component will be installed once done, click finish again we will be back to the component selection screen and click OK....

December 23, 2019 · 1 min · 199 words · M.Kumaran

How to use Apache kafka in C#

In this article I will explain how to use kafka in C#. Ensure that you already installed kafka for windows else check my previous article Install Apache Kafka in Windows 10 We are going to use Confluent Kafka library. Setting up Projects in visual studio Create an empty project in .NET Delete empty project and keep only the solution Add new project Create new Kafka producer project Add NuGet packages Right click project –> Manage NuGet packages...

December 22, 2019 · 4 min · 713 words · M.Kumaran

Install Apache Kafka in Windows 10

Required software to download Download below software Java runtime environment. We need oracle account to download. Zookeeper Extract the content into folder C:\kafka\apache-zookeeper-3.5.6-bin. (There are tow files in download location, download the bin file.) Kafka Extract into C:\kafka\kafka_2.12-2.3.1 Install - Java SE Runtime Environment 8 click install to start installing Set Java home variable Control panel –> System settings Advanced system settings Environment variables Add new Give variable name as JAVA_HOME and vale as the JRE installed location path....

December 21, 2019 · 2 min · 337 words · M.Kumaran