ReactNative getting started

Install Andriod studio click next select custom select theme select below options set Ram for emulator next it will download the components once done, click finish click configure in the above screen and select SDK manager click apply select arm-dbt license and accept select sdk-license again click accept click next component will be installed once done, click finish again we will be back to the component selection screen and click OK....

December 23, 2019 · 1 min · 199 words · M.Kumaran

I created a mobile app to copy text from system/browser to mobile

most of the time I need to share something in mobile messenger which is available in system or browser. I can use web version of the messenger, but some of them don’t have a web version. so I created an app to quickly copy/move text to my mobile. Technology used React native Firebase firebase is straight forward to sync the text with DB. How to use Open the app, visit http://computer-to-mobile....

May 12, 2019 · 1 min · 153 words · M.Kumaran

Create 3D model in React Native using WebGL and Three.js

I will show you how to create 3D models in React native using Three.js Please create a react native project using react-native init. Make sure that you have Android virtual machine running and everything installed for the basic react native project. Install NDK and tools react-native-webgl is using some C++ code so we need to install the NDK tools for android In Android studio –> Tools –> Android –> SDK Manager select CMake, LLDB and NDK –> Apply –> OK...

January 7, 2019 · 2 min · 401 words · M.Kumaran