Accessing computer's localhost from Android emulator

Two ways to access your local computer’s localhost Using IP in emulator Using localhost text in the emulator Using IP This is straight forward, open browser in the andriod emulator and go to it will point to your computer’s localhost. To access your computer’s localhost from an Android emulator using “localhost,” you can use the special IP address, which is an alias to your host machine’s loopback interface (localhost)....

September 16, 2023 · 4 min · 689 words · M.Kumaran

Auth0 with Flutter

Setup auth0 Go to auth0 and create an account. In the applications sections, create a new application. Select native as application type In the collections section ensure username-password-authentication and google-oauth2 is checked. In the settings section give call back URL as net.mkumaran.aasaan://login-callback Create flutter app flutter create --org net.mkumaran aasaan To know more about how to create flutter. Read this create flutter run below command to run flutter run Add below line in pubspec....

May 29, 2022 · 4 min · 642 words · M.Kumaran

Ottunar - A mobile app to record expenses/income for truck drivers

I created a mobile app for truck drivers to manage their expenses. It is a simple and light weight. download from play store Tech used I used Flutter and Firebase to create this app. I used firebase ealier but never tried flutter but it’s really nice. Flutter seems more promising in mobile app development. App screens Expenses in category Instead of typing the expense/income everytime user can select from list, and they can create a new category also....

August 11, 2020 · 1 min · 120 words · M.Kumaran

I created a mobile app to copy text from system/browser to mobile

most of the time I need to share something in mobile messenger which is available in system or browser. I can use web version of the messenger, but some of them don’t have a web version. so I created an app to quickly copy/move text to my mobile. Technology used React native Firebase firebase is straight forward to sync the text with DB. How to use Open the app, visit http://computer-to-mobile....

May 12, 2019 · 1 min · 153 words · M.Kumaran

Create 3D model in React Native using WebGL and Three.js

I will show you how to create 3D models in React native using Three.js Please create a react native project using react-native init. Make sure that you have Android virtual machine running and everything installed for the basic react native project. Install NDK and tools react-native-webgl is using some C++ code so we need to install the NDK tools for android In Android studio –> Tools –> Android –> SDK Manager select CMake, LLDB and NDK –> Apply –> OK...

January 7, 2019 · 2 min · 401 words · M.Kumaran