Accessing computer's localhost from Android emulator
Two ways to access your local computer’s localhost Using IP in emulator Using localhost text in the emulator Using IP This is straight forward, open browser in the andriod emulator and go to it will point to your computer’s localhost. To access your computer’s localhost from an Android emulator using “localhost,” you can use the special IP address, which is an alias to your host machine’s loopback interface (localhost)....
Converting my blog to Hugo
Why I Migrated from Gatsby to Hugo for my blog Introduction I moved my blog from GatsbyJS to Hugo, and I couldn’t be happier with the results. In this article, I’ll share my experience and reasons behind the migration, focusing on the advantages Hugo brings over Gatsby. I already migrated my blog from Wordpress to Gatsby. That was long back when I was using PHP for website creations so I used Wordpress, then I moved to ReactJs and wanted to keep in that field so moved my blog to Gatsby, Now I am moving again to Gatsby because I am also moving to Go....
Deploye nextjs app in Azure devops
Introduction Deploying a Next.js application to production requires a streamlined process that ensures the application is built correctly and deployed to a reliable hosting environment. Azure DevOps provides a powerful set of tools to automate these processes, ensuring efficient deployment of your Next.js app. This guide walks you through the steps to deploy your Next.js app using Azure DevOps. Configuring the Next.js Project To prepare your Next.js app for deployment, follow these steps:...
Auth0 with Flutter
Setup auth0 Go to auth0 and create an account. In the applications sections, create a new application. Select native as application type In the collections section ensure username-password-authentication and google-oauth2 is checked. In the settings section give call back URL as net.mkumaran.aasaan://login-callback Create flutter app flutter create --org net.mkumaran aasaan To know more about how to create flutter. Read this create flutter run below command to run flutter run Add below line in pubspec....
Getting started with Flutter - Installation
1. Install Flutter Go to and download the SDK. It is a zip file. Extract that content into C:\ 1.1 Update environment variable add c:\flutter\bin into path environment variable. 1.2 Ensure that environment variable is set correctly. go to command prompt and run the below command where flutter dart run flutter doctor command 2. Install andriod studio download and install android studio once the installation is done, open the andriod studio....
Hosting Blazor PWA application on IIS
Install the .NET Core Hosting Bundle Download .NET Core Hosting Bundle Download and install the bundle Restart the system. Publish app Publish an app means to produce a compiled app that can be hosted by a server Right click server project then select publish select folder option select location then click finish click publish Deploy app Deploy an app means to move the published app to a hosting system. copy the publish folder into IIS system’s local folder....
PWA application using Blazor
Create a new Blazor PWA application In the create new project screen, select Blazor WebAssembly App give project name and location Select Progressive web application, ASP.NET core hosted option. Once project created it will be like the below Run the application Create notification screen add below code into BlazorPWA\Client\Shared\NavMenu.razor <div class="nav-item px-3"> <NavLink class="nav-link" href="notification"> <span class="oi oi-list-rich" aria-hidden="true"></span> Notification </NavLink> </div> it should be like below after adding that above code....
Web push notifications
This tutorial is based on a youtube video Web Push Notifications - End to End implementation Initialize server code create new folder called server run npm init command inside that server folder. After running the npm init command you can see package.json file inside the server folder. we need to install a npm package called web-push so run npm i web-push after running above commands, your server folder should be like this...
Getting started Django
Install Ensure that python is already installed. install virtual environment pip install virtualenvwrapper-win Create virtual environment mkvirtualenv djangoprj Install Django ensure that you are inside the virtual environment pip install django Run below command to check django is installed django-admin --version Create project django-admin startproject djsample Run project cd djsample py runserver Do not close the above window. open http://localhost:8000 in browser. stop the running server and move to next step....
Getting started Go lang in windows
Installation download golang from Just click next, next in the installation wizard. Once the installation wizard completes, go to command prompt and type go version to check whether it’s installed properly.  Write your first Go program Create a new folder wherever you want C:\goprg create a simple file under that folder C:\goprg\my.go type below code package main import "fmt" func main() { fmt.Println("Hello, World!") } Open command prompt and go to C:\goprg folder and run below command...